QBO Backup Restores

Mike Langford
Mike Langford
  • Updated
  1. Restore is the process of copying the backed-up data to its original location (QuickBooks Online app). 
  2. Go to the Dashboard page. 
  3. Select a company. 
  4. Select an object. 
  5. Select an item. 
  6. Select the version you want to restore. 
  7. Click the Restore button. 
  8. The system shows a confirmation pop-up. Remember to put a note, then click the Restore button. 
  9. Once the restoration is successful, the system shows a success banner. Go to the system status page to monitor the restore status. 

Please note that some objects can’t be restored due to limitations, such as budget, company info, company currency, customer type, entitlement, exchange rate, tag agency, preference, tax classification, tax code, and tax rate.  

Restore Guide

The system provides a restore guide that helps you to understand the whole process better. Click “See How to Restore” on the restore confirmation to open the guide.

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