AD Group Backup

Michael Tawil
Michael Tawil
  • Updated

AD Group Backup allows you to add backups more efficiently. Once the AD Group is registered, our system monitors if any new users are added or if any existing users are removed on the M365 side. The corresponding account’s backup is activated or deactivated based on the status.

How to Add Users from an AD Group to Backup

  1. Click the Organizations tab
  2. Choose an organization, click the kebab menu (three vertical dots), and click View Details.
  3. Select the Features tab
  4. Enable the M365 Backup by AD Group toggle, input the AD Group name, and click the Yes, continue button. Please note that if the organization still needs to add an M365 backup, it will show the instructions.
  5. You can click Checking Now to verify the registered AD Group


*Dynamic groups are not supported due to limitations with Microsoft Graph API.

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