13 - Organization Settings

Mike Langford
Mike Langford
  • Updated

Organization settings contain the configuration of the customer’s portal identity and feature permission for all organizations under the partner’s authority. This allows you to set what your organizations can and cannot do.



Favicon is a small icon that serves as branding for the website. It is on the left corner of the tab/window next to the title. For the white-label partner who enables a custom logo, the favicon will be different depending on the setting on Master/Sub-partners. Below is the summary of the results:

  1. The system shows a general favicon (white cloud with a blue background) on the master partner’s login page.
  2. There are three possible favicons on the sub-partner's login page.
      1. The system shows a general favicon (white cloud with a blue background) if the master partner does not set a favicon.
      2. The system shows the same favicon as the Master Partner uploaded.
      3. The system shows the same favicon that the sub-partner uploaded.
  3. The system always shows a Dropsuite favicon on the master partner’s pages except for login, regardless of whether they uploaded a favicon to the Organization Settings.
  4. There are two possible favicons on the sub-partner's other page.
      1. A General favicon if the Master Partner has not set a favicon
      2. The same favicon that the Master Partner Uploaded


  • We haven’t implemented the favicon changes in the customer portal yet, so it only affects the master and sub-partners page. 


  • Format files that are allowed to upload: *.JPEG, *.PNG, *.ICO, *.GIF 




For master partners who enable custom logos for their sub-partners, there will be an additional logo field on the Organization Settings page. It is applicable for both White-label and non-White-label.  

What’s the difference between a logo, a general logo, and an additional logo?

• Logo → System shows the logo field when the configuration on the sales portal is OFF. Anything uploaded here will be displayed on the top navigation bar of the Organization and Subpartner pages (if any) and the login page if the partner is white-label. 

• General logo → System shows the general logo field when the configuration on the sales portal is ON. Anything uploaded here will be displayed on the top navigation bar of Organization. 

• Additional logo → System shows an additional logo field when the configuration on the sales portal is ON. Anything uploaded here will be displayed on the top navigation bar of the Subpartner pages and the login page if the partner is white-label. 


These are some samples related to the White-label logo:

  1. If both master and sub-partners do not set a logo, the result will be as follows:
      1. The login page logos of both master and sub-partners will be blank.
      2. The master partner’s logo on the other pages will be Dropsuite.
      3. The master partner’s organization logo will be Dropsuite.
      4. Sub-partner’s logo on other pages will be blank, and the navbar will be changed to white.
      5. The sub-partner’s organization logo will be blank.
  2. If the master partner only sets the general logo without an additional logo, and the sub-partner does not set a logo, it will affect the organization portal for both the master and sub-partners
  3. If the master partner only sets the additional logo without the general logo and the sub-partner does not set a logo, it will affect.
      1. Login page of both master and sub-partners
      2. Sub-partner’s logo on other pages
  4. If the master partner sets both the general and additional logos and the sub-partner does not set a logo, the result will be:
      1. The login page of both the master and sub-partner will follow the additional logo of the master partner
      2. Master and sub-partner organizations will follow the general logo.
      3. Sub-partner pages will follow the additional logo.
  5. If a master partner does not set any logo, but the sub-partner sets it, it will affect the sub-partner organization logo. 


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