5 - Mail Restore, Download, and Migrate

Michael Tawil
Michael Tawil
  • Updated

Once you’ve backed up your email, you can access it through three main options: Restore, Migrate, and Download. Each feature allows you to retrieve data based on your needs.


Restore an Entire Mailbox

  1. Log in to your organization's End-User Portal and navigate to the Dashboard.

  2. Hover over the mailbox you want to restore and click the Restore button.

  3. In M365 mailboxes, switch between the “All-time” and “Point-in-Time” tabs in the Backup Timeline section to select a specific date and time for the restore.

  4. Choose the scope of the restore:
    • All emails
    • Selected emails based on the date of receipt
    • Select the destination folder:
      • Original folder: restores messages to the same folder as the backup.
      • Existing folder: restores to a different folder within the mailbox.
      • New folder: creates a new folder and add sub-folders with “/” as a separator. You can specify a name up to 60 characters, using UTF-8 encoding with no special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};':"). Any whitespace at the beginning or end will be trimmed.

  5. Click Start Restore. Confirm the restore details and click Yes, continue to begin.

  6. Track the restore status under System Status > Restores in the Dashboard.


Restore Specific Mailboxes

  1. Locate the user on the Dashboard and click on their email name.

  2. In the mailbox page, select between “All-time” or “Point-in-Time” for M365 mailboxes.

  3. Select the desired mailbox by clicking it, then click the Restore button.

  4. Select the destination folder and click Start Restore.

  5. Confirm the restore and track progress under System Status > Restores.


Download Backed-Up Email

To keep data offline, use the Download feature available in EML and PST formats.

Download Instructions:

  1. Log in to the End-User Portal and navigate to the Dashboard.

  2. Hover over the desired mailbox and click Download.

  3. Choose Download as PST or Download as EML.

  4. For M365 mailboxes, select the required folders and click Generate Download.

  5. Confirm and start the download. An email notification will alert you when the download is ready. You can also monitor download status under System Status > Downloads.


Migrate Backed-Up Email

The Migrate feature transfers data to a different mailbox within the same tenant. This feature is only available in the All-time format.

Migrate Instructions:

  1. Log in to the End-User Portal and go to the Dashboard.

  2. Hover over the mailbox you wish to migrate and select Migrate.

  3. Choose a date range (select “all” for a full mailbox migration).

  4. Select the destination mailbox:
    • Existing Account: Select an existing account from the dropdown.
    • New Account: Specify the tenant type (O365 for M365, GWS for Google Workspace, or Other Emails for other types including Microsoft Exchange) and provide login credentials.

  5. Click Start Migrate and confirm to begin.

  6. Monitor the migration status under System Status > Migrations.


  • You can migrate multiple sources to a single email account
  • The original date and time of the emails will be preserved in the target email account
  • The email folder structure will be preserved unless the destination is a POP email account.



Why can't I find the Point-in-Time Restore option?

The Point-in-Time Restore option is currently only available for licensed and shared M365 mailboxes. You cannot see the PITR option if you select a Public Folder, in-place archive, or non-M365 mailbox.


Is Point-in-Time available for all features (backup, restore, migrate, download)?

Point-in-Time Restore is now available only for backup, restore, and download, but not for migrate.

The table below summarizes the backup, restore, and migrate email compatibility.

Feature All-time Point-in-time
Backup Check Mark Check Mark
Restore Check Mark Check Mark
Migrate Check Mark Minus
Download Check Mark Check Mark


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