11 - Shared Drive Restore and Download

Michael Tawil
Michael Tawil
  • Updated

Restore Shared Drive

  1. Log in to the end-user portal for your organization and navigate to the Dashboard
  2. Click on the Shared Drive tab (if available)
  3. Hover the mouse on the required Shared Drive and click the "Restore" button
  4. Select the date and time you want to restore
  5. Select the destination you wish to restore to (Original or Other Shared Drive)
    1. To restore to other Shared Drive, select this option from the drop-down menu
  6. Select the Restore method
    1. Keep Folder Structure (default)
      1. This option restores by following the path and folder structure based on the latest backup
    2. Restore to a New Folder
      1. This option restores to a new folder at the root level of the destination
      2. If this option is chosen, you will need to name the new folder
  7. Finally, click "Start Restore"
  8. You can monitor the status of the restore from the “System Status” > “Restores” page.


Download Shared Drive

  1. Log in to the end-user portal for your organization and navigate to the Dashboard
  2. Go to the Shared Drive tab (if applicable)
  3. Hover on the Shared Drive you wish to download
  4. If you want to download the entire Shared Drive, click "Download"
  5. Choose the date and time you wish to download
    1. Backup date – this will download the Shared Drive as of that date
    2. Backup Time – select the version you wish to download (Shared Drive is backed up 3x daily)
  6. Select "Generate Download", and click "Yes, Continue"
  7. You can check the status of your downloads by clicking on "System Status > Downloads" on your dashboard.

If you only want to download one file or folder, follow this path:

  1. Log in to the end-user portal for your organization and navigate to the Dashboard
  2. Go to the Shared Drive tab (if applicable)
  3. Expand the main Shared Drive
  4. Select the files and folders and click "Download"
  5. Select the version you want to download
  6. You can check the status of your downloads by clicking on "System Status > Downloads" on your dashboard.


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