How do I add to backup from the End User Portal?

Kaitlyn Johnson
Kaitlyn Johnson
  • Updated
  1. Click "Add Backup"
  2. This page will present multiple options
    1. Add from Existing
      1. If you have a previous backup already running and wish to add more mailboxes, this is the selection you will choose
    2. Add New Backup
      1. Microsoft 365
      2. Google Workspace
      3. Hosted Exchange
      4. Gmail
  3. If you've chosen "Add from Existing," select the checkbox next to the user(s) you wish to add and click "Add to Backup" at the bottom of the page
  4. You will then be prompted to confirm the addition of the new account, where you can click "Yes, Continue"
  5. If you've chosen "Add New Backup" you will be prompted to follow a specific set of instructions that differ between the options chosen

Once users have been added to backup, you can visit the organization's home page and see "Added" beside the user(s) to verify they are added to backup.

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