Connecting to HaloPSA

  • Updated

In this article, you'll find the following guides for connecting with HaloPSA:

  1. Complete Partner Setup in HaloPSA
  2. Connect to HaloPSA on Dropsuite Partner Portal
  3. Create a New Organization Synced with HaloPSA
  4. Edit an Existing Organization with HaloPSA
  5. Create an Agent with Minimal Permissions on HaloPSA
  6. Revoke HaloPSA Integration


Complete Partner Setup in HaloPSA

Role Creation within HaloPSA

  1. Launch HaloPSA URL.  Note that this is different from partner to partner.  For Dropsuite, the URL is:

  2. Log in with your valid credentials.

  3. Navigate to Configuration > Teams & Agents > Roles.  Click on "New" button to create a new role.

  4. Fill in the Role Information

'Details' tab:

  • Role Name: Dropsuite API role
  • Click Save, then click Edit.

'Permissions' tab:

  • Feature Access section:
    • Tickets Access Level: Select Read and Modify.
    • Customers Access Level: Select Read Only.
    • Suppliers Access Level: Select Read and Modify.
    • Software Licensing Access Level: Select Read and Modify.
  • Tickets Permissions section:
    • Can add new Tickets: Select Yes.
    • Can Edit Tickets Which Are Not Assigned To Them: Select Yes.
  • Ticket Type Restrictions section:
    • Allow use of all Ticket Types: Select Yes.
  • Client Restrictions section:
    • Allow use of all Customers: Select Yes for convenience. If you want to control access only for specific customers used with Dropsuite integration, select No and choose the relevant customers in the Accessible Customers dropdown.
  • Click Save.

Agent Creation within HaloPSA

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Teams & Agents > Agents.

  2. Click on the New button to create a new agent.

  3. Fill in the following details for the agent:

'Details' tab:

  • Account Details section:
    • Username: Type Dropsuite API agent.
    • Roles: Select Dropsuite API role.
    • Tick Account Active.
    • Tick Is an API-only Agent.
  • Agent Details section:
    • Default Team: Select No Default Team.
    • Work Hours: Select Default Working Hours.
  • Approval Settings section:
    • Untick Can approve Invoices.
  • Click Save.

Application setup within HaloPSA

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Integrations > HaloPSA API.

  2. Click on View Applications.

  3. Click on New to create a new application.

  4. Enter a meaningful application name and ensure the Active checkbox is checked.

  5. Set the Authentication Method to Client ID and Secret (Services).

  6. Copy the Client Secret and save it for future reference.

  7. Set Login Type to Agent.

  8. Select the agent created in the previous steps

  9. Click on the Permissions tab and select permission type as “all:standard”

  10. Click Save and copy the Client ID for future reference.


Connect to HaloPSA on Dropsuite Partner Portal

  1. Log in to the Dropsuite Partner Portal

  2. Navigate to the Integration menu on the left navigation bar.
    The Integration menu is available for all types of partners: distributor, direct reseller, and sub-reseller.

  3. Click the Connect button on the HaloPSA card.

  4. Fill out the form with the correct credentials and click the Next Step button.
    • Site URL: It can be found at Configuration > Integrations > HaloPSO API > API Details (Remove "/API" from the resource server URL
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret

  5. Upon successful connection, a success banner will confirm the integration. You will be redirected to the ticket mapping form. Returning to the Integration page will display a Connected badge next to HaloPSA.

  6. Fill out all required fields in the ticket mapping form and click Next Step. You can skip this step and return later to complete the mapping.
    • Sync Seat
    • Ticket type
    • Ticket SLA
    • Ticket Priority

  7. Upon successful ticket mapping, a banner will confirm completion. You can proceed with organization mapping.

    Note: Clicking the Revoke All Ticket Mapping button resets the ticket mapping form without affecting your HaloPSA connection.


Create a New Organization Synced with HaloPSA

  1. Follow the standard procedure to create a new organization.

  2. After creating the organization, a pop-up will display all connected integrations. Click Manage in the HaloPSA section.

  3. The system will redirect you to the Manage Connection page. Select Customer and Software License, then click Connect. The Connect button will disable if required fields are empty.

  4. Upon successful mapping, a green checkmark will appear, and the unlink button will be accessible.

Edit an Existing Organization with HaloPSA

You can edit the mapping from either the Organization or Integration page:

From the Organization page:

  1. Select the organization and click View Integration under the Kebab button.

  2. Click Manage in the HaloPSA section.

  3. The system will redirect you to the Manage Connection page; select the Customer and Software License, and then click the Connect button.

From the Integration page:

  1. Select Manage Connection under the HaloPSA option.

  2. The system will redirect you to the Manage Connection page; select the Customer and Software License, and then click the Connect button.



Revoke HaloPSA Integration

  1. Log in to Dropsuite Partner Portal.
  2. Navigate to the integration page.
  3. Select Option then Revoke Connection on the HaloPSA card.
  4. The system will display the same page with the Connect button active after revoking has been successful.

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