May 2024 Release Notes

William Shannon
William Shannon
  • Updated

AutoDiscover for Shared Drive Enhancement

We're excited to announce an enhancement to our Shared Drive backup feature. Now, users have the capability to exclude specific Shared Drives, preventing their automatic inclusion in the AutoDiscover process.

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AD Group Backup Enhancement

Continuing our commitment to improving user experience, we've made an enhancement to the Partner Portal. The AD Group toggle is now automatically disabled for selected organizations under the Feature tab.

What does this improvement mean?

The system now automatically disables the AD Group toggle for organizations with M365 backed-up accounts but with empty AD group lists.

Goal of this improvement

This enhancement aims to prevent blocking actions in the End-User Portal, as the AD Group backup feature is interconnected between the Partner and End-User Portals.

Where can I find the improvement?

You can locate this improvement on the Partner Portal. Simply select a specific Organization, then navigate to the Feature tab.

Can the partner enable the disabled AD group again?

Yes, partners can re-enable the toggle as long as the Organization has backed up M365 accounts.


Bug Fixes

  • Creating New Partner User: Partners encountered an invalid email format error when creating a new user with a single-character email address.
    We've resolved this issue by allowing the use of single-character emails during new partner user creation. Note that this change applies to all email address fields on other creation forms.
  • Viewing Drive: Users navigating the Drive view list page experienced a redirect to the home folder after changing the date filter.
    We've addressed this issue by adjusting the parameters so that users remain in the same folder after changing the date filter in the Drive view list.

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