Partner Portal "How-To"

  • Updated

Can I move organizations between data regions?

No, moving organizations between data regions is not possible.


How do change the owner of my partner in the partner portal?

Please send an email to with the current owner email address and the email address you wish to change it to. Once this is received, the support team will send you a form to be signed and sent back. Upon receipt of the signed form, the support team can make the requested changes within the partner portal.


How do I upgrade from Backup Only to Backup + Archive?

  1. Log into Partner portal dashboard.
  2. Select Organizations on the far left.
  3. Select the 3 dots to the right of the desired organization.
  4. Select "View Details".
  5. Select the "Subscriptions" tab.
  6. In the "Update Subscription" box (blue box), select the dropdown and change this to the Archiver subscription.
  7. Select the blue "Update" button.
  8. A prompt will appear. Select "Yes, Continue" to finalize the change.


How do I find my Partner ID?

To locate your partner ID, log in to the Dropsuite Partner Portal and navigate to the top-right corner of the screen. Once there, click the arrow and your Partner ID will be presented and available to copy. The Partner ID will be a combination of lower and uppercase letters and numbers.


How can I locate an Organization ID?

From the Partner Portal, navigate to the Organizations page, click the three dots (...) on the desired organization to View Details. The organization ID will be directly below the organization name in parenthesis. Example: (ID: 123456-78)


How do I reset an Organization’s Password?

The Reset Password process also doubles as a way to resend an invite email to an organization.

  1. Navigate to the Organizations tab
  2. Locate the specific Organization and click the kebab menu (three vertical dots)
  3. Click “Reset Password”

The Reset Password instructions are automatically sent to the Organization Owner. If your client doesn’t receive the email, instruct them to check their Spam / Junk folder.


How do I add to backup from the Partner Portal?

  1. From the partner portal, click "Login as Client" for the desired organization
  2. Click "Add Backup"
  3. This page will present multiple options
    • Add from Existing
      • If you have a previous backup already running and wish to add more mailboxes, this is the selection you will choose
    • Add New Backup
      • Microsoft 365
      • Google Workspace
      • Hosted Exchange
      • Gmail
  4. If you've chosen "Add from Existing," select the checkbox next to the user(s) you wish to add and click "Add to Backup" at the bottom of the page
  5. You will then be prompted to confirm the addition of the new account, where you can click "Yes, Continue"
  6. If you've chosen "Add New Backup" you will be prompted to follow a specific set of instructions that differ between the options chosen

Once users have been added to backup, you can visit the organization's home page and see "Added" beside the user(s) to verify they are added to backup.

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