How does Microsoft 365 (M365) Backup work?
For a Microsoft 365 tenant, once an email address is added to the backup, it will backup all data (Email, Contact, Calendar, Task & OneDrive) belonging to the user account. Backup of SharePoint, Groups & Teams is at the Organization's domain level, so it starts to run once the M365 tenant is authenticated.
What happens if my domain name changes in M365?
Dropsuite pulls the primary/default domain, so if the default domain within the tenant is changed, it should update itself. If this update does not take place, please reach out to for further investigation.
How do I update the Display Name & Email Address?
To update a display name and email address for a M365 mailbox that is added to backup, use the “AD Sync” toggle on the “Add Backup” page. It automatically updates the new details.
Can you rename a Backup Admin?
Yes, we can rename the Backup Admin based on the email address preference of the user. Ask the user to rename the current Backup Admin in their M365 Admin Center and immediately share the email address with We will update the new email ID on the backend quickly to avoid a credential error for the organization.
Can I hide the Global Admin created by Dropsuite from all Groups & Teams?
Currently, there are no Microsoft APIs to back up Group Shared Mailbox, Shared Calendars, and Planner Tasks under Group & Teams. Therefore, we must add our Backup Admin to the Teams and delegate its permission to process backup. If the user wants it removed, we will not be able to back up Group Shared Mailbox, Shared Calendars, and Planner Tasks. However, other Shared Mailboxes will be backed up
The system would automatically add the Backup Admin to the Teams Channel when it is removed. The Backup Admin gets re-added by the system automatically to avoid backup failures.
Note that this only applies when using the Global Admin method of connecting to your environment. When using Service Principal Authentication, no admin account would be required.
Why is a mailbox missing on the Add Backup page?
Please check whether the Exchange License and primary SMTP Address are assigned to the account. If "Yes" and the issue persists, please share the list of affected users with, and we will investigate.
Why is a Global Admin required for Public Folder Backup?
You must have a Global Admin (GA) on the M365 Tenant with an Exchange License for the “Add Backup” page to list the Public Folders.
We can’t access Public Folders through Exchange Web Services (EWS), which is why a Global Admin is required to Backup Public Folders. Public Folders are backed up through Exchange Web Services (EWS), and those Public Folders with criteria “FolderClass = IPF.note” are located under the Root Folder alone and can be backed up.
Are Shared Calendar Events or Sub-Calendars being backed up?
No, we only back up the default calendar events.
Can we back up encrypted data (i.e., Microsoft Purview/ARM/IRM)?
We can back it up within the state we see, which is encrypted. We would restore it in the same state as well. So, we can back it up and restore it, but it will always be in an encrypted state. We have no way to read the file/data.
Do you backup members from a nested AD Group?
Yes, we can backup members under a Sub-Group of the Parent AD Group that is registered in Dropsuite. Parent Group and its Sub-Group are the only two levels currently supported.
Is the Recycle Bin on SharePoint or OneDrive backed up?
Microsoft API doesn't allow us to back up data under the Recycle Bin. If the data can be moved from the Recycle Bin to a normal folder, it will get backed up automatically.
Do you back up SharePoint Site Pages?
Yes, we do backup SharePoint Site Pages. However, due to limitations within Microsoft, Site Pages cannot be restored and will be skipped during a restore process. Those items could still be downloaded though.
How many SharePoint versions are backed up?
SharePoint backup runs 3 times per day, i.e., SharePoint Backup can have a maximum of 3 versions of a file per day. Because of this, it is likely that the amount of data shown as backed up will differ from what is seen within the tenant itself. Typically, the size shown within M365 will be higher than what is shown in Dropsuite.
Is it possible to back up OneDrive alone without emails?
Through Microsoft API, we back up OneDrive Data provided the account has an Exchange license and OneDrive license on the M365 end.
If the OneDrive accounts use a plan (M365 Apps for Business), then there is no Exchange License. Therefore, we cannot backup OneDrive data alone as such accounts won’t get listed in the Microsoft API response. Thus, our system receives an error while backing up emails, and the OneDrive backup is deactivated as well.
Currently, the ability to back up OneDrive alone with out email is not available.
Are meeting invitation responses being backed up?
No, meeting invitation responses are currently not backed up.
Are Shared Folders in OneDrive backed up?
Currently, Microsoft API only allows us to backup data under the "MyFiles" Folder. Therefore, users can move the required files from the "Shared" Folder to the "MyFiles" Folder to process the backup.
Can I back up M365 home plan accounts?
No, we do not support M365 home plan accounts.
The backup of organizations under M365 business plans alone are supported as they are part of an exchange environment and have exchange licenses. Hence, the data under "Emails, Contact, Calendar & Task" are backed up. Additionally, if any users in an organization have a OneDrive license, then OneDrive Data is also backed up. Once the Global Admin of an M365 business plan tenant authenticates, then the backup of the tenant data (SharePoint, Groups & Teams) is also created.
Is an Archived Team backed up?
An Archived Team is not backed up as it is marked as archived (invisible) in the M365 Admin Center. Once it is unarchived, it can be backed up.
Can you back up Teams Chat History & Files from an external team?
As the data resides on the external team, which is not authenticated in Dropsuite, the data won't get backed up.
Is there any limit for the number of simultaneous restores?
If we restore multiple users concurrently, throttling will be seen much faster than if they are sequential since throttling is calculated based on the tenant and number of calls using the graph service (Microsoft Graph service-specific throttling limits - Microsoft Graph). There is no limitation on our side, but if throttling is detected, we will halt and retry. If the maximum number of retries is reached, the process is killed and restarted based on schedule.
Is folder hierarchy preserved during email restore?
The Email Restore page has 3 options.
- Default Folder
- Other Folder
- New Folder
The folder hierarchy is restored only when the destination "Default Folder" is opted. If Destination "Other Folder (or) New Folder" is selected, the restore result will be like the below example.
Inbox = 10 Emails
--> Team (Folder # 1) = 20 Emails
--> Sales (Sub-Folder # 1) = 30 Emails
--> Support (Sub-Folder # 2) = 40 Emails
Restore Result: Inbox
--> Restore (New Folder) = All 100 Emails will be Restored under this New Folder
Why are the approvals on Teams not rendered in the correct format?
On Microsoft Teams, Approvals (Microsoft Adaptive Cards - JSON format Data) are converted to HTML format using Microsoft Library. Due to Library limitations, approvals are backed up in original JSON format, and they aren’t able to be converted. Hence, it isn’t rendered in the expected HTML format.
Why does the value “Modified” in OneDrive / SharePoint show the Restored Date & Time?
This is by design; the column “Modified” is a read-only value. It gets generated through Microsoft API during the restore process.
What is the email notification “Additional Configuration Required for M365 Backup Account / Microsoft License Check Has Failed”?
Due to a security change on the Microsoft side, there has been an update in the reporting options available within each individual M365 tenant. Microsoft will now hide user information such as usernames, site names, team names, groups, etc. If you do not make the recommended change in the M365 portal, it will affect Dropsuite’s ability to validate the correct licensing. If all information is hidden, users return as “Anonymous” on reports, and the license checker will be inaccurate.
This change does not affect the backup status of users. They are currently and will continue to be backed up.
To resolve this issue, please follow the steps here.
What do you back up with Teams Backup?
We back up both public and private Teams channel types.
How do you back up multiple domains under the same M365 tenant?
Once the initial authentication process is completed, our system automatically identifies all domains under the M365 Tenant. There is no separate action required to add other domains.
Why is the email notification “We encountered an issue while backing up these mailboxes caused by not enough space on the mail-server side” sent?
When our system finds the Microsoft API Error “ErrorQuotaExceeded” during the backup process, it triggers the email notification. To fix the backup error, please ask the organization to free up some space or add more space in the mailbox, which would eventually remove the Microsoft API Error. Once action is taken, the Backup process will automatically resume.
Why does the PST format email download take more time?
PST format download takes more time as it requires an additional EML to PST conversion process.
When is the registered AD Group validated?
The registered AD Group Members are validated every 12 hours (2AM and 2PM UTC Daily). The specific time is configured across all regions, so organizations all follow the same schedule.
Why are Authentication Errors seen under Group & Teams when the backup admin credential is already verified?
Please check if there are any Conditional Access Policies configured in Azure. The configured policy expires the delegated authentication token, which causes a backup error.
To fix it, please exclude the Dropsuite Backup Admin (Tenant Application Format: from any configured policy.
What happens when a Licensed Mailbox is converted to a Shared Mailbox?
Once a Licensed Mailbox is converted to a Shared Mailbox on the M365 end, our system detects the change and considers it a Shared Mailbox. Therefore, it would free up the license. The previously backed-up OneDrive data would still reside as a backup, and the user can use it when required.
If a Shared Mailbox is assigned with an Exchange License on the M365 end, it will utilize a license in our system.
Is it possible to purge only specific data from SharePoint Backup?
There is no option to purge only specific data from SharePoint Backup. You can purge the entire SharePoint and Groups & Teams backup, while the existing backup for Emails, Contacts, Calendars, Task, and OneDrive remains intact. Later, we will run a full backup of SharePoint, Groups & Teams for the domain. If the specific data doesn't exist on the M365 end, then it won't get captured during full backup.
- Once SharePoint, Groups & Teams are purged, the backed-up data can't be recovered
- If you wish to retain the existing SharePoint and Groups and Teams backup, please use the download feature PRIOR to requesting a purge